Source code for charts

"""Data clock module for chart creation.

Author: Andrew Ridyard.

License: GNU General Public License v3 or later.

Copyright (C): 2025.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    dataclock: Create a data clock chart from a pandas DataFrame.

    Aggregation: Keys representing aggregation functions.
    Mode: Keys representing temporal bins used in each chart.

from __future__ import annotations

import calendar
from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple, TypeAlias, get_args

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colormaps
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, Normalize
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex, NamedAgg

from dataclocklib.exceptions import AggregationError, ModeError

ColourMap: TypeAlias = Literal[
    "RdYlGn_r", "CMRmap_r", "inferno_r", "YlGnBu_r", "viridis"
VALID_CMAPS: Tuple[ColourMap, ...] = get_args(ColourMap)

Mode: TypeAlias = Literal[
VALID_MODES: Tuple[Mode, ...] = get_args(Mode)

Aggregation: TypeAlias = Literal[
    "count", "max", "mean", "median", "min", "sum"
VALID_AGGREGATIONS: Tuple[Aggregation, ...] = get_args(Aggregation)

[docs] def dataclock( data: DataFrame, date_column: str, agg_column: Optional[str] = None, agg: Aggregation = "count", mode: Mode = "DAY_HOUR", cmap_name: ColourMap = "RdYlGn_r", chart_title: Optional[str] = None, chart_subtitle: Optional[str] = None, chart_source: Optional[str] = None, ) -> tuple[DataFrame, Figure, Axes]: """Create a data clock chart from a pandas DataFrame. Data clocks visually summarise temporal data in two dimensions, revealing seasonal or cyclical patterns and trends over time. A data clock is a circular chart that divides a larger unit of time into rings and subdivides it by a smaller unit of time into wedges, creating a set of temporal bins. Args: data (DataFrame): DataFrame containing data to visualise. date_column (str): Name of DataFrame datetime64 column. agg (str): Aggregation function; 'count', 'mean', 'median', 'mode' & 'sum'. agg_column (str, optional): DataFrame Column to aggregate. mode (Mode, optional): A mode key representing the temporal bins used in the chart; 'YEAR_MONTH', 'YEAR_WEEK', 'WEEK_DAY', 'DOW_HOUR' & 'DAY_HOUR'. cmap_name: (ColourMap, optional): Matplotlib colormap name used to symbolise the temporal bins; 'RdYlGn_r', 'CMRmap_r', 'inferno_r', 'YlGnBu_r' & 'viridis'. chart_title (str, optional): Chart title. chart_subtitle (str, optional): Chart subtitle. chart_source (str, optional): Chart data source. Raises: AggregationError: Incompatible agg_column dtype & agg combination. ModeError: Unexpected mode value is passed. Returns: A tuple containing a DataFrame with the aggregate values used to create the chart, the matplotlib chart Figure and Axes objects. """ # dict map for ring & wedge features based on mode mode_map = { "YEAR_MONTH": { # year | January - December "ring": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%Y"), "wedge": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%B"), }, "YEAR_WEEK": { # year | weeks 1 - 52 "ring": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%Y"), "wedge": data[date_column].dt.isocalendar().week, }, "WEEK_DAY": { # weeks 1 - 52 | Monday - Sunday "ring": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%Y%W"), "wedge": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%A"), }, "DOW_HOUR": { # days 1 - 7 (Monday - Sunday) | 00:00 - 23:00 "ring": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%w").replace("0", "7"), "wedge": data[date_column].dt.hour, }, "DAY_HOUR": { # days 1 - 365 | 00:00 - 23:00 "ring": data[date_column].dt.strftime("%Y%j"), "wedge": data[date_column].dt.hour, }, } if mode not in mode_map: raise ModeError(mode, mode_map.keys()) if agg not in VALID_AGGREGATIONS: raise AggregationError(agg, agg_column) if agg_column is None and agg != "count": raise AggregationError(agg, agg_column) data = data.assign(**mode_map[mode]).astype({"ring": "int64"}) # dict map for wedge min & max range based on mode wedge_range_map = { "YEAR_MONTH": tuple(calendar.month_name[1:]), "YEAR_WEEK": range(1, 53), "WEEK_DAY": tuple(calendar.day_name), "DAY_HOUR": range(0, 24), "DOW_HOUR": range(0, 24), } index_names = ["ring", "wedge"] agg_column = agg_column or date_column data_grouped = data.groupby(index_names, as_index=False) data_agg = data_grouped.agg(**{agg: NamedAgg(agg_column, agg)}) # index with all possible combinations of ring & wedge values product_index = MultiIndex.from_product( [data_agg["ring"].unique(), wedge_range_map[mode]], names=index_names ) # populate any rows for missing ring/wedge combinations data_agg = ( data_agg.set_index(index_names).reindex(product_index).reset_index() ) # replace NaN values created for missing missing ring/wedge combinations data_graph = data_agg.fillna(0) # convert aggregate function results to int64, if possible if (data_graph[agg] % 1 == 0).all(): data_graph[agg] = data_graph[agg].astype("int64") # create figure with polar projection fig, ax = plt.subplots( subplot_kw={"projection": "polar"}, figsize=(11, 10), dpi=96 ) # adjust subplots for custom title, subtitle and source text plt.subplots_adjust( left=None, bottom=0.2, right=None, top=0.9, wspace=None, hspace=None ) # set white figure background fig.patch.set_facecolor("w") # set clockwise direction starting from North ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") n_wedges = data_graph["wedge"].nunique() # calculate angles for each wedge theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_wedges, endpoint=False) # width of each bar (radians) width = 2 * np.pi / n_wedges * 1 unique_rings = data_graph["ring"].unique() max_radius = unique_rings.size + 1 ax.set_rorigin(-1) ax.set_rlim(1, max_radius) # create x-axis labels if mode not in ("DOW_HOUR", "DAY_HOUR"): xaxis_labels = wedge_range_map[mode] # custom x-axis labels for hour of day (00:00 - 23:00) else: xaxis_labels = [f"{x:02d}:00" for x in range(24)] # set x-axis ticks ax.xaxis.set_ticks(theta) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(range(1, max_radius)) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.tick_params(axis="x", pad=5) ax.xaxis.grid(visible=True, color="black", alpha=0.8) ax.yaxis.grid(visible=True, color="black", alpha=0.8) ax.spines["polar"].set_visible(True) agg_max = data_graph[agg].max() # minimum, 25%, 50%, 75%, maximum colorbar_dtype = (np.float64, np.int64)[agg in ("count", "sum")] colourbar_ticks = np.linspace(1, agg_max, 5, dtype=colorbar_dtype) cmap = colormaps[cmap_name] cmap.set_under("w") cmap_norm = Normalize(1, data_graph[agg].max()) colorbar = fig.colorbar( ScalarMappable(norm=cmap_norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax, orientation="vertical", ticks=colourbar_ticks, shrink=0.6, pad=0.2, extend="min", )"out") # set text label y position based on number of rings + 1 (max_radius) text_y = max_radius + 0.7 if max_radius > 3 else max_radius + 0.2 for idx, angle in enumerate(theta): # convert to degrees for text rotation angle_deg = np.rad2deg(angle) if 0 <= angle_deg < 90: rotation = -angle_deg elif 270 <= angle_deg <= 360: rotation = -angle_deg else: rotation = 180 - angle_deg ax.text( angle, text_y, xaxis_labels[idx], rotation=rotation, rotation_mode="anchor", ha="center", va="center", ) # ring position starts from 1, creating a donut shape start_position = 1 for ring_position, ring in enumerate(unique_rings): view = data_graph.loc[data_graph["ring"] == ring] for wedge_position, wedge in enumerate(theta): count = view[agg].iat[wedge_position] colour = cmap(cmap_norm(count)) # plot each wedge as a separate bar along each ring bar = # wedge/angle wedge, # height 1, # bar aligned to wedge align="edge", # width in radians width=width, # ring to place bar bottom=start_position + ring_position, # transparency alpha=0.8, # color map color=colour, ) chart_title = chart_title or "Dataclock Chart" chart_subtitle_map = { "YEAR_MONTH": f"{agg.title()} by year & month", "YEAR_WEEK": f"{agg.title()} by year & week of year", "WEEK_DAY": f"{agg.title()} by week of year & day of week", "DOW_HOUR": f"{agg.title()} by day of week & hour of day", "DAY_HOUR": f"{agg.title()} by day of year & hour of day", } chart_subtitle = chart_subtitle or chart_subtitle_map[mode] # consistent kwargs for text objects text_kwargs = {"ha": "left", "transform": fig.transFigure} # create chart title, subtitle & source information ax.text( x=0.12, y=0.93, s=chart_title, fontsize=14, weight="bold", alpha=0.8, **text_kwargs, ) ax.text( x=0.12, y=0.90, s=chart_subtitle, fontsize=12, alpha=0.8, **text_kwargs ) if chart_source: # Set source text ax.text( x=0.1, y=0.12, s=f"Source: {chart_source}", fontsize=10, alpha=0.7, **text_kwargs, ) return data_graph, fig, ax